Basic Information
Name:Chunyan Tian
Sex: Female
Degree: Doctor
Education: Peking University Health Science Center
Major: Radiology and Nuclear Medicine
Titles: Associate Chief Physician
Radiological diagnosis and research of new technology. Her main research interest is diagnosis and new technology in musculoskeletal imaging, especially research and clinical application of new MR sequences and scanning techniques of MR arthrography. She applied the new techniques in clinical diagnostic practice. Also, she often gave speech, held seminars, and demonstrate posters on major academic meetings which promoted the spread of the new techniques.
2003.8-2014.8 Attending Physician, Associate Chief Physician, Associate Professor at PKUTH Radiology Department
2014.8-2015.12 Associate Chief Physician, Associate Professor at Beijing Tsinghua Changgeng Hospital Affliated with Tsinghua University
2016.1-now Associate Chief Physician, Associate Professor at PKUTH Radiology Department
2012.12-2014.4 Peking University-Tsinghua University Life Science Center, Interdisciplinary Talents’ Cultivating Project
Additionally, she completed multiple projects of Capital Special Clinical Application Research.
Academic Appointment
2015.9 till now Member of the Beijing Medical Association MRI Committee
2017.9 till now Member of the Beijing Medical Association Shoulder and Elbow Sport Medicine Specialty Committee
2016.9 till now Member of the Chinese Medical and Pharmaceutical Education Association Shoulder and Elbow Sport Medicine Specialty Committee
(1) Tian CY, Shang Y, Zheng ZZ. Glenoid bone lesions: Comparison between 3D VIBE images in MR arthrography and nonarthrographic MSCT J Magn Reson Imaging. 2012;36(1):231-236.
(2) Tian CY, Cui GQ, Zheng ZZ, Ren AH. The added value of ABER position for the detection and classification of anteroinferior labroligamentous lesions in MR arthrography of the shoulder. Eur J Radiol 2013;82(4):651-657.
(3) Tian CY, Wang JQ, Zheng ZZ, et al. 3.0 T conventional hip MR and hip MR arthrography for the acetabular labral tears confirmed by arthroscopy. Eur J Radiol 2014;83(10):1822-7.
Additionally, she published more than 20 articles on national core journals.